Basketball Enrichment Program

The Urban Sports Rescue after school Basketball enrichment program is a great opportunity for students to learn new skills, have fun, and develop their career awareness. The program is held at Allen Locke School and Martha Washington School and is led by trainers Jermaine Washington and Chris Hunt. The program focuses on providing fun activities for students while also developing their basketball skills. In addition, the program also provides career awareness and mentoring to help students develop their future goals. Conflict resolution is also a key focus of the program, helping students learn how to resolve conflicts in a positive and constructive way.

The program is designed to be inclusive and welcoming to all students, regardless of their skill level. Students are encouraged to participate in the program and to develop their skills at their own pace. The program is a great way for students to learn new skills, make new friends, and develop their career awareness. If you are interested in learning more about the Urban Sports Rescue after school Basketball enrichment program, please contact the program’s  coordinators at Allen Locke School And Martha Washington. 

Basketball Enrichment Program